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Playing with a Mulberry and Cherry Electric .
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Author:  WudWerkr [ Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Playing with a Mulberry and Cherry Electric .

Playing with a Mulberry and Cherry Electric . Yes that is a factory Neck . I have made the body by hand and Had the neck to work with . Mulberry is heavy wood .

Mulberry Electric.jpg
Mulberry Electric 1.jpg
Mulberry Electric 2.jpg

Author:  B. Howard [ Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Playing with a Mulberry and Cherry Electric .

White or red mulberry?

Author:  WudWerkr [ Thu Apr 11, 2019 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Playing with a Mulberry and Cherry Electric .

I agree with your thought on PM that it looks like Osage Orange . However I have never seen osage that big before . was 19" wide in orig board . Mill Owner has a tree service , swears its Mulberry . Verrryyyy Heavy !

Author:  Bryan Bear [ Thu Apr 11, 2019 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Playing with a Mulberry and Cherry Electric .

I’ve never handled mulberry before but it is supposed to look very similar to Osage. Osage orange is quite a bit denser than mulberry. Mulberry is reported to have a specific gravity of 0.69 compared to osage’s 0.86 so it is almost 25% heavier. Wud, have you ever used Osage to compare the density?

With a board that size and the sawyer knowing it in log/tree form. I’d think it is not Osage. A good way to tell for sure is to soak some shavings in water. Osage will dye the water yellow.

Author:  WudWerkr [ Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Playing with a Mulberry and Cherry Electric .

Bryan Bear wrote:
I’ve never handled mulberry before but it is supposed to look very similar to Osage. Osage orange is quite a bit denser than mulberry. Mulberry is reported to have a specific gravity of 0.69 compared to osage’s 0.86 so it is almost 25% heavier. Wud, have you ever used Osage to compare the density?

With a board that size and the sawyer knowing it in log/tree form. I’d think it is not Osage. A good way to tell for sure is to soak some shavings in water. Osage will dye the water yellow.

Per that Test it is Mulberry .

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