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Ecuadorian bandolin with fret buzz on first fret
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Author:  LaDove [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Ecuadorian bandolin with fret buzz on first fret

Hello there, am new here, and not really a luthier. I have an Ecuadorian bandolin, which has 15 strings in 5 sets of 3 each.
Far from any creditable luthier, or any luthier at all, I hope someone can give me some tips, and I can make the small fix that I need here.
The fret buzz is only on the 2nd string and the 15th string, and only at the first fret. All the other frets seem to sound fine.
Really hope there is a suggestion to; raising the slot for just the second and 15th string at the nut?
Don't want to get into messing with the frets at all, since all the other strings are sounding clearly.
I understand that people use "CA" (cyano-acrylic) that also known as 'crazy glue'? for filling in at the nut.
Please clarify if that is what you suggest using to raise these particular two strings to eliminate the first fret buzz.
Thanks for any replies and/or suggestions or re-direct to any luthier or forum that can be of help.

Author:  Alex Kleon [ Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ecuadorian bandolin with fret buzz on first fret

Have you replaced the strings in question to see if the buzz is still there? Welcome to the OLF, Dove!


Author:  B. Howard [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ecuadorian bandolin with fret buzz on first fret

Are the strings buzzing when played open, or when fretted at the first? If it is when played open it is likely the nut slots. On the other hand if it is when fretted it is likely the fret.

Author:  LaDove [ Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ecuadorian bandolin with fret buzz on first fret

Thanks Alex for the welcome! The strings are hardly used, so don't think that's the problem.
Hello Brian! Thanks for your question. The strings buzz when played open, and not when held at the
first fret, or any other succeeding fret. I do think, as you said here, that it is the nut slots.
My idea is to fill these two slots in question, with a little filler.
Here's my next query: Shall I use a bit of "CA" with bone dust? Would that be a good filler?
Then, I can finely sand the surface to meet the proper level above the first fret.

Also, here where I live, it would just be the regular "crazy glue", and not something sold for luthiers in particular.
Appreciate your replies and look forward to a tad more info before I actually go for this. Thanks guys!

Author:  cdn-bigfoot [ Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ecuadorian bandolin with fret buzz on first fret

I'm no expert. But, sounds like the slot at the nut is too deep for the strings in question. Try a fill and re-slot.
This video from StewMac basically shows you the technique.

Author:  wbergman [ Sat Nov 15, 2014 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ecuadorian bandolin with fret buzz on first fret

Some of the world's best luthiers put shims under the nut for fine adjustment. Why don't you try that. Jose Ramirez uses slivers of business card or index card.

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