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Kalamazoo Arch top
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Author:  michael jennings [ Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Kalamazoo Arch top

I have to pop the back off of a '30s/'40s Kalamazoo arc top to fix sprung back braces… [not especially looking forward to it…but] anyone familiar enough with these old Gibson budget models to at least reassure me that I'm not going to run into some ancient super adhesive for the rim joints?? Hopeful that it could be HHG ??


Author:  B. Howard [ Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kalamazoo Arch top

it is most likely a casien based glue. Steam and water will not help, only heat will soften it. Last one I had apart I had to replace all the linings.

Author:  michael jennings [ Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kalamazoo Arch top

Thanks Brian…… was afraid of that. MJ

Author:  Christopher Parker [ Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kalamazoo Arch top

B. Howard wrote:
it is most likely a casien based glue. Steam and water will not help, only heat will soften it. Last one I had apart I had to replace all the linings.
Not Hide Glue? I was under the impression that Gibson was using hide glue exclusively until the advent of alophatic resin (white) glues. I've never heard of casien glues being used in guitar manufacturing.

I have a '30's Gibson L-37 (small body archtop with a flat back) - quite possibly the same size and shape as the Kalamazoo guitar mentioned by Michael. The back braces are loose on it, so I'm in the same predicament, and I'm dreading the job as well. The guitar sounds and plays okay as it is, but eventually I'm going to remove the back and fix it.

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