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Gibson L-00 again
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Author:  Ruby50 [ Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Gibson L-00 again

I posted a couple of weeks ago about a 1933 Gibson L-00 I got cheap at an auction because it was pretty broken. I am making good progress on the repairs and am ready to glue on the new back - so a question:

The top has no cracks at the fretboard/soundhole area, but I have seen many of these lightly built guitars with those cracks. There is a brace just above the soundhole, but no other bracing up to the neck block.

Should I consider a popsicle brace?


Author:  David Collins [ Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gibson L-00 again

I wouldn't be likely to add additional reinforcements unless specific issues are noted which directly require it.

Gibsons of that era were typically built with exceptionally tight dome on the top (often down in to the 12' radius range). This heavy compound radius alone will do an incredible amount to stiffen the top, so additional bracing may be unnecessary. I credit this heavy radius as to why fewer ladder braced old Gibson made instruments need neck resets or see significant top bellying compared even to x-braced models from other makers who used a flatter soundboard.

Author:  Ruby50 [ Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gibson L-00 again


Thanks - there is no sign of trouble so I will just ignore the issue. I can always put one in later if there is any sign of a problem.


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