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Bass Neck Replacement
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Author:  fumblefinger [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Bass Neck Replacement

I've been gassing for another lined fretless bass. I wanted to sell two of the Squier basses I have to fund it, but that hasn't worked out. I'm thinking I'll just replace the neck on the '87/'88 Squier Jazz with the active EMG pickups and put the Badass bridge back on it.

Any recommendations/cautions on a replacement neck? I can buy a Squier fretless for around $300-$350 on ebay, so I really don't want to spend any more than is necessary for the conversion.

Author:  Guitarizzmo [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

Not to be rude, but this is a luthiers forum, and asking which replacement neck to buy seems like a question for some other forum. No self respecting lutier buy's necks, he makes them. You should be asking :

How to make a fretted bass into a fretles one?

Author:  fumblefinger [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

Ummm, that's why I put it under the Restoration and Repair rather than the Build section.

I know how to turn the neck into a fretless, but this piece doesn't justify the labor or ruining a piece of history. The 87/88 Squiers were the first years (they didn't differentiate between the two years) that Squiers were built in Korea. To change the original neck doesn't make any sense.

I'm looking for advice from those who may have been down this road before. Maybe I need to just stick to PMing the people here who are helpful. Chris, Dave?

Author:  Guitarizzmo [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

Warmoth has high standards, and a good warranty that they stand behind and honor, as well as lined fretless bass necks.

Author:  Chris Pile [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

Mr. English is correct about Warmoth, but he does kinda have an attitude that he should leave at the door....

My suggestion, Allan - fretless Squier necks are available cheaply on fleabay. I've had a couple, and as long as you yank the injected molded cheese they use for a nut, and put in bone - they'll serve you well. For a lined fretless, why not buy a fretted one, pull the frets, and fill the slots?

Author:  Guitarizzmo [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

Chris Pile wrote:
Mr. English is correct about Warmoth, but he does kinda have an attitude that he should leave at the door....
It's hard to gain altitude without any attitude! And I for one think that "Political correctness" is an obvious scam!!! Although not religious, I am somewhat of a Buddhist, and quite in the Zen direction thereof, where it is common to kick someone in the but in order to coax them into thinking for themselves, in this case doing a little research on his own. Sometimes a little harm does a lot of good! I did start my first response with "I don't want to be rude but,".

In the end, I must recommend he makes it a fretless by himself, as the hyped up heritage of a drone made factory instrument popped out of a cookie cutter, is nothing compared to a single persons devotion, skills and craftsmanship! And if he does a good job the rewards are incomparable to the $400 it will be worth in original condition, based on a price controlling non intelligence based collectors market.

Author:  B. Howard [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

Guitarizzmo wrote:
Chris Pile wrote:
Mr. English is correct about Warmoth, but he does kinda have an attitude that he should leave at the door....
It's hard to gain altitude without any attitude! And I for one think that "Political correctness" is an obvious scam!!! Although not religious, I am somewhat of a Buddhist, and quite in the Zen direction thereof, where it is common to kick someone in the but in order to coax them into thinking for themselves, in this case doing a little research on his own. Sometimes a little harm does a lot of good! I did start my first response with "I don't want to be rude but,".

Religion, politics, etc......this is not the place for those.

And your original post did have quite an air of arrogance as read by me as well. If you need to start a statement with the phrase "I don't want to be rude but,......" you already know you are being rude and apologizing in advance for bad behavior........Poor form sir.

Author:  fumblefinger [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'd already looked at Warmoth and decided that one of those pushed the budget too far. I think I'll just concentrate on selling what I have and keep an eye out for a nice used Warwick.

Mr. English I see you've only been on the forum for a week. I think you'll find this fourum is populated by some of the most talented luthiers in the country, if not the world. They are typically very generous when it comes to sharing their considerable knowledge. Especially to someone like myself, just starting out. I hope this willingness to help continues.

Author:  Chris Pile [ Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

No self respecting lutier buy's necks, he makes them.

While we are piling on the troll... If the client wants a Warmoth neck, you get one for him, OK? I made a lot of money that way.

Author:  Dave Rickard [ Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Neck Replacement

" If you need to start a statement with the phrase "I don't want to be rude but,......" you already know you are being rude and apologizing in advance for bad behavior........Poor form sir."
Well said Mr Howard

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