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Tortoloid pickguard adhesive for bare wood?
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Author:  Ken Jones [ Mon May 16, 2016 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Tortoloid pickguard adhesive for bare wood?

We're replacing a missing pickguard on a '70 Martin D-28. Since we had to tweak the shape, we removed the adhesive film, which had started to delaminate around the edges. I'm not convinced that would be appropriate to use against bare wood anyway.

I have some sheet pickguard adhesive I could use, but I thought I'd get a survey of what type of adhesive you'd use with a highly translucent pickguard against bare wood. Other available options are hide glue (seems problematic with the Tortoloid), solvent binding glue from LMI (milky white in bottle, I think it dries clear), spray adhesive, or Duco. I'm also wondering if I put a couple of coats of shellac on the bare wood if that would allow me to use the adhesive sheet material more effectively.

Thanks in advance for your insight.

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Author:  dpetrzelka [ Mon May 16, 2016 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tortoloid pickguard adhesive for bare wood?


I've only done a few 70's Martin D pickguard replacements (with the crack repair) - I've found it works very well to do a light wash coat or two of blonde shellac under the pickguard, before applying with the standard StewMac/ 3M sheet adhesive.

If the wood under is too bright for use with the tortoloid, you could add a little tone to the shellac.

My theory is that I don't want as good of adhesion as they had when applying with solvent directly to the wood - we've all seen the tell-tail signs of a solvent glued pickguard...

I found some photos of the removal, but I'll have to track some down of the finished work. (this one had both the B-string crack as well as tearing along the outer edge).





Author:  Hesh [ Mon May 16, 2016 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tortoloid pickguard adhesive for bare wood?

Ken Martin wants the authorized repair centers of which we are one to apply finish under the pick guard before replacement. This is a hedge against future cracks from.....shrinkage.... and to make the next go around easier for all concerned. Daniel's suggestion is a good one and I have known others who have used CA, ep*xy, and even nitro although the nitro will put you in the watching paint dry business. Some sort of finish is likely a good idea and how we do them in our shop.

Adhesive film is appropriate for when there is finish under the thing.

I take it this is not the original owner because if it is this is covered under Martin's excellent warranty.

Author:  DanKirkland [ Mon May 16, 2016 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tortoloid pickguard adhesive for bare wood?

I'll second what has already been stated. The bare wood method is not something that should be repeated.

I did the same repairs on a Gibson recently that had the same condition. Fix the cracks, few coats of shellac over the wood area, reattach pickguard. Done deal.

Author:  jfmckenna [ Tue May 17, 2016 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tortoloid pickguard adhesive for bare wood?

Yup. No sense in repeating the same mistake Martin made in gluing plastic to bare wood. I've always used shellac but I did just see a Dan Erlewine video where he actually used CA to 'finish' the wood prior to using sheet adhesive.

Author:  Ken Jones [ Tue May 17, 2016 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tortoloid pickguard adhesive for bare wood?

Excellent advice, everyone. Thanks much!

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