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Prismatone equivalent?
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Author:  Tyson.k [ Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Prismatone equivalent?

Hi folks,

I just picked up a beater of a classical guitar, it's a cheap 200 dollar guitar in messed up shape, but that's why it was $3.00. I've wanted for a bit a guitar that I could cart around and be a little rough-er with and this is a good choice. Now, I'm working on setting it up but I got to thinking, is there a pickup that has a similar ish sound to Willies Baldwin prismatone pickup that he has on trigger? I'm quite aware that I won't get the same sound by any means, the n-20 is an amazing guitar on its own, not to mention the sound that it has from all of its love. But, just for messing around, does anything come to mind?



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