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Spray stand help
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Author:  Toxophilite [ Thu May 30, 2019 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Spray stand help

ON my previous restoration (A 64 gretsch country club0 to refinish it I was able to make a good working stand from a Mike stand and a park from a vocal mike holder.
That was because the country club had the braces showing in the pickup cavity(relatively close together, So was able to make a fiting that clamped on either side of the braces and mount my mike clip unit to that . Very convenient and it worked well

However the Yamaha AE1200S I'm going to be spraying has the braces wide apart and under the top on either side of the rout so here's nothing to clamp onto. I can hang the guitar from a stiff wire through one of the tuner holes but the convenience of being able to tilt the guitar in to different positions would be lost.
Here's a picture of my old unit

Any ideas?

Author:  Conor_Searl [ Thu May 30, 2019 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Spray stand help

Could you do something similar to what you've done here? Use a longer wooden bar attached to the mic stand and resting inside the pickup cavity against the inside of the top, and then rig up a couple jacks or screws with blunt ends that exert enough pressure against the back of the guitar and the bar that's attached to the mic stand?

Author:  Toxophilite [ Thu May 30, 2019 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spray stand help

That's a good idea. THough to my thinking the pressue would have to be exerted between the back and the top/braces of the guitar. As basically whatever the stand is attached to has to be attached to the guitar enough to hold it rigid. could see a structure like you are describing inside the guitar with some good squishable material (high density foam?..I have some balsa too) up against the back and the top braces . Still a little leary about having anything that's kind of pushing the guitar apart. Maybe something wedged vertcally inside the guitar,probably not enough room.

Author:  Conor_Searl [ Thu May 30, 2019 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Spray stand help

Yeah, I was a little worried about exerting too much pressure that way as well. What about making something like a long scissor jack basically that you could slide into the guitar body so it lays across braces and then use some skateboard grip tape on the parts that will be resting on the braces that way you could probably get away with a little less pressure because the grip tape will bite into the brace wood a little bit.

Or else the same kind of idea, but have it go lengthwise then exert your pressure on the neck and end block.

Author:  Tim Mullin [ Thu May 30, 2019 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Spray stand help

I suppose it depends on your finish, but all of mine get sprayed neck-on, without a fixed stand. I hold by the neck with one hand and spray with the other. You have excellent visibility and can position as you like. After the headstock and body are sprayed (two, double passes at right angles, separated by 5 minutes), the instrument is hung on a pivoting hook to spray the neck. It hangs for 90 minutes in the booth and the routine repeats.

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