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Neck relief on non-truss rod Martin
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Author:  Skarsaune [ Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Neck relief on non-truss rod Martin

'71 Martin D-18 on the bench from a friend for evaluation.

Needs frets, a neck reset, the neck relief brought back into spec, and intonation/bridge position checked.

What is the correct way to fix the neck relief? Compression fretting, heat press the neck, plane the fretboard, put a darn truss rod in? I'm not comfortable with any of them so likely won't do the work. Too nice of a guitar for me to learn on.

Second question - if the saddle position / intonation is off. I can see filling the saddle slot and routing a new slot, if there's room to move it back. If there's not, and the bridge has to move, what do you do about the pre-existing bridge pin holes?

I'm not convinced the saddle is out of position. I'd want the neck relief corrected before I moved anything.

Author:  Freeman [ Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Neck relief on non-truss rod Martin

What is the relief? '70's Martins do have truss rods, they just aren't adjustable. My 74 D-18 which has been refretted and reset is right at 9 or 10 thou, my 1980 D12-28 (also reset) is about 12 thou. Both a little higher that I like, but acceptable when I look at the options.

I have filled and reslotted bridges without moving the pins. Required a bit of ramping but nothing major. I think moving a bridge would be a finishing nightmare.

If you are going to do all that work consider a new small bridge plate. Made a heck of a difference in mine.

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