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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:09 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood
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I think it would be cool to see a nice line up of guitars....
Lets see what you guys have brewing!

Peter M.
Cornerstone Guitars

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:18 am 

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those are awful perty!!!

right now I'm working on a spruce/walnut cutaway mini jumbo which will be a "pay it forward" gift to some kid

and a cutaway mandonaught (walnut/spruce again)

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:22 am 

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bench, so..

My sister-in-Law from the Phillipines is getting her American citizenship this flag day (that's when the "swearing in-type" event is planned).
We go to Disney often with them and she's a HUGE Daisy Duck fan- she literally seeks her out at the parks for photos, and needless to say her collection Daisy related things is pretty big. So I made this broach for her as a citizenship gift. "American Daisy"
Materials are diamonds, lapis, pearl, white river pearl, pink mussel, gold pearl, turquoise, coral, casien coral, and ebony all backed on a piece of sterling silver (like Larry R. does the fancy rosette art on the million Martin- the shell is backed to silver and re-cut around it) with a bit of engraving for the detail.
Inlay is fun but honestly I really think this came out cool. It's the same steps as inlay but backed instead of inset. I also surrounded the sides with blue tinted epoxy to give it a finished look. I still need to clean up the right side eye-lashes a bit, they need some leveling and sanding as they were installed over the silver after everything else.
More fish soon I promise. Oh- if you guys want things like this as gifts of course I can do this for you all too. I need to add a space to my site for this "new" jewelry category of work.

Now back to your guitar related stuff- wait- this IS guitar related really...

Craig L


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:35 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood
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Wow! That's nice work Craig!

Billy Dean Thomas
Covina, CA

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:41 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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This weekend I glued and leveled the fretboard and rough-carved the neck for classical #2. This is the Rodriguez design like my first, but WRC and Indian RW this time instead of Sitka and Indian RW.

Jim Kirby

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:51 am 
Old Growth Brazilian
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I have a Malaysian Ebony Classical that got put off due to my accident on the bench. A Curly Narra Jumbo and a Curly Narra Dreadnought coming up behind it A Claro Walnut SJ Cutaway after them and two more orders that are unsettled on back and side wood.

But to honestly answer the question I have a mess on the bench right now. I did not clean the shop this weekend

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:37 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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A load of mess...I've finished my cittern, and am planning to make another MDF mold for build #3 & 4, an Myrtle/Englemann OM, and an Ovangkol/Englemann rightie OM

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:31 am 

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As the shop rebuild sloooooowly progresses, my bench has a bunch of tools and boxes of stuff that I am <finally> starting to figure out places for. At least now I have places to put things

By the time I get the shop done, it will be time to start building a guitar for the other stepdaughter - a present for surviving 4 years in the Marines

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:01 am 

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Jim, I really like the way you carried the backstrip inlay through the binding onto the heel plate...maybe that's typical of classicals, but I haven't seen it before, and it's nice.

Love to see a closeup of that if you have one.


Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:00 am 
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They're just drawings right now, but I've been trying to get a Fender
tweed deluxe circuit on one side of an amp, and a two-rock (modified
blackface) circuit on the other. They work with the signal differently, so
it's a challenge.

Also have a new electric nearing finish.

And my acoustic just waiting for a bit of gap-filling.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:27 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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[QUOTE=Bill Greene] Jim, I really like the way you carried the backstrip inlay through the binding onto the heel plate...maybe that's typical of classicals, but I haven't seen it before, and it's nice.

Love to see a closeup of that if you have one.


Bill - Thanks! I wouldn't say it's typical of classicals, but it's certainly not uncommon.

I've attached two pictures, and was having a lot of trouble with flash on them, but you can see my general style ("My style", he says ... in the absence of an imaginative solution of my own, this represents a successful ripoff) As you can see, I'm still struggling with the pointy ends of the binding where it is inlaid into the heel.

The classical guitar now has it's first coat of Zpoxy for grain filling.

Jim Kirby

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:57 am 
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I just posted this in another thread, but I'll post it again fer kicks:

This has been on my bench for a looooong time.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:42 am 

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Yeah, here's one I wish would just go away! I am so tired of working on this guitar. I've been a couple of days away from finishing it for a few weeks now. It never ends. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate to french polish?



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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:49 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Just finished this one... hopefully it sorta looks like a Les Paul. Shure does have a nice mello tone with those humbuckers


As far as the bench is concerned, #11 is awaiting some finish and is sitting there  behind #12, which just got the back glued on this afternoon.


If you look real close, you can see the next 8 or so guitars waiting in line to be made.


Here is a little side project I have been working on. A cedar chest made out of cedar of lebanon. It got it's first coat of varnish this afternoon also.


Ken H

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:34 pm 
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Well even though I just posted pics of my first rosette.... here are some pics with the body outlined. The cutaway may be a bit ambitious for my first go. Depending on how the treble side bends, I will make the final call if this guitar does in fact have a cut away. Picture number one is me doing a little photoshop so that I can see the body better - photo two is the same pic, only unadulterated.


Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils - Louis Hector Berlioz

Chansen / C hansen / C. Hansen / Christian Hansen - not a handle.


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:46 pm 
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...Newb humor...


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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:22 pm 
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Wow, I'm impressed at some of the beautiful things you all are building. Really love that Mando Kent, reminds me of the one I never finished Love all the projects, and Mike S. love the color on that electric, turned out really nice. Congrats to everyone on a job well done.

I'm just finishing up my first Concert Uke for a friend. He picked out the colors. All I have left is to glue on the bridge, and do the final setup. I'll post finished pics later.



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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 4:18 pm 
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It's the guitar players banjo.... A Reproduction six string Vega Guit-Jo neck that is almost done.

Did the frets, made a nut blank and glued the dowel stick in tonight.

Posted in another thread but this one went away today.


- Louis Freilicher

Oh No! Not another learning experience!

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:34 pm 
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The mando looks great, please tell us more!

Rian Gitar og Mandolin

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:48 pm 

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Mahogany/Lutz OM
Blackwood/Lutz SJ/12
Maple/Englemann OM
Ovangkol/Sitka OM
Padauk/Adi SJ/12 Left Handed



Bob Connor
Geelong, Australia

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:28 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Hey Bob, if you guys pulled ya finger out and stop slacking off round the beer fridge, ya's might just get someth'n done in that shed of yours. Awesome work mate, indeed tis prolific class from the Geelong Duo.



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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:10 pm 
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Here's a couple pics of my current project: a small flamenca based on 100 year old Ramirez plantilla.

Sp Cypress back and sides
German Spruce top
EIR Bindings
Cocobolo head plate


Max Bishop
Brighton, Michigan

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:42 am 
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Arnt, All,

I've been lurking here for a while, posting now and then. I participated in the swap meet a bit, but didn't have the funds to do it justice. Love the forum already.

The mandolin is my first, following 6 guitars, 2 flat-top octave mandolins, and 1-1/2 violins. The peghead profile follows the Gibson Top Tension model banjo peghead shape, and was requested by my customer, who owns a Top Tension. He was open to some deviations from the traditional F5 design, which was nice. I tried to let the rest of the design flow from the peghead.

A carved-top mando is definitely a graduate degree in wood working -- even after doing some violins from scratch, this is a killer. It's bound in curly koa, which was tricky to do. The neck joint was the other killer step.

I hope to make a fingerboard and then get it strung up in the white within a few weeks. I'm a part time hobbyist, trying to keep a day job for a while yet.

Arnt, I'm a big fan of your work -- what I've seen you post is beautiful, tasteful design.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:43 pm 

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Currently working on Number 2

OLF SJ - sitka top Black limba B/Sides


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