Howard Klepper wrote:
How did you determine the ideal Young's modulus?
Howard, I'm not calculating Young's Modulus per se, but the equation for Young's modulus is the basis for my math. My ideal target deflection (or Young's modulus) is arbitrary. An example might make sense... For the Young's modulus equation:
Ex = ( K*Weight*Span^3) / ( deflection*Width*Thickness^3 )
Ex, K, Weight, and Span are all constant for my deflection testing setup, so for a given board I can say that deflection*Width*Thickness^3 is going to be constant as well. A change in thickness and width should affect deflection in a predictable way:
deflection(measured)*Width(measured)*Thickness(measured)^3 = deflection(ideal)*Width(ideal)*Thickness(ideal)^3
Given an arbitrary 'ideal' deflection and width, I can solve for 'ideal' thickness. If I multiply that thickness times the measured density of the board and some arbitrary length and width, I get the theoretical mass of a board of my target stiffness:
mass = density * Length * Width * Thickness
It turns out that given an ideal deflection all of my spruce boards would end up with various thicknesses but remarkably constant mass. On the surface it would seem that for spruces, Young's modulus is more a function of density than a function of species, grain count, grain coarseness, etc.
Unless I'm missing something or made a mistake somewhere, which for me is not uncommon.