SnowManSnow wrote:
jfmckenna wrote:
When you say, "the top 3 strings are a tad sharp to my ear when fretted at the 12th." Do you mean in comparison with the 12th fret harmonic?
When fretted at 12 and compared to the open string
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Ok so even doing that test has human factors problems but typically the test is play the 12th fret harmonic and let it ring then quickly play the 12th fret note and compare them. The human factors error of course is in how you play that 12th fret note. The harmonic is pretty much as accurate as you can get. You might be able to get a better strident sound when you pinch it right at the half way point but it's going to ring on a note. The problem is in fretting. I always try and use the lightest touch possible when fretting the string at the 12th fret to compare to the harmonic. If you press it too hard you will go sharp and think that your intonation is off but it's just becasue of your fretting pressure.
Fretting at the 12th and comparing the open string creates another variable in the equation. So try the harmonic test first and how does that come out?