I might know some one who has EIR with a .020 maple purf attached and then they might also have maple .020 on it's own for the end graft
. I also have Koa with the same detail. And Ebony on it's own that the purfs would need to be added if you wanted. For a real KILLER look, BoZOOT has snakewood that really looks great. I would compete with him on those if I could only find some! Since I can't I just buy from him
. Also, Colonial Steve has some great BRW which is just different enough to give you a subtle contrast but still looks stunning.
The only other non-maple thing I have is EIR with bwb for a 'darker' mood. Plus I have maple, EIR, Koa and Ebony without any purfs attached.
It is a tough call but there are some choices.