Hello, I am new to forum. I am building my first instruments, yes instruments. I am taking them one at a time, but have been collecting supplies for a mandolin, classical guitar and an electric guitar.
Brave (nieave) me, I started with the mandolin first. I have already ruined one top while trying to cut the scroll. I have Siminoff's book, and watched the DIY series. But, I have some questions on cutting the scroll area.
1. When cutting the top and back, I left about 1/4 inch extra around the outline shape. When I got to the scroll, I can't make the bandsaw curve sharp enough to accurately cut the scroll. How do you do this? ( I have floor bandsaw, 14", with a 1/4 inch blade)
2. It seems to get the same shape, I might need to finish cutting the scroll after the assembly of the body. Is this right?
3. As for salvaging the "ruined" top, the mis-cut is into the scroll. Can I still make an "A" model mandolin?