So I just went on a cruise to Alaska. But my focus was not so much and the trip as it was finding something to bring back and use on a guitar! Here is what I found (after a lot of looking, darn tourist shops) I found half of it on the edge of town and the other half in a tiny shop in an old ally. Anyways I paid a nice amount for all of it, about $220. But I figure if I can get at least 3-4 saddles and 3-4 nuts. Probably more but none of them are square so it’s hard to tell tell I start cutting. ANYWAY to my question.
I will have some left over and I don’t have a big will to make my own bridge pins. I was thinking could I get a bridge pin, say tusk or normal bone. And simply make caps out of the walrus ivory and glue them to the other pins. So the circular top would be ivory. Maybe it’s not worth it. What do you all think? I posted a pic of what most of the ivory looks like. Some is darker but it all has that beautiful malted look. SUPPER COOL STUFF.