I am an active member of the Luthierforum, and relatively active here at the OLF as well. Here, I read a lot more than I post, which makes sense as I am a beginner that has only built one guitar. I have checked out the other forums (fora?) as well, and of course there is information on lutherie to be found in each. Each forum has a different "flavor" or "feel." I see the OLF as a blend of members from beginners preparing to build their first instrument, to seasoned pros that have a huge breadth and depth of experience in lutherie, repair, marketing, recording, etc. The Luthierforum has the same blend of members, but in a different ratio. Here at the OLF, there are more pros - especially pros that are displaying instruments in high profile shows like Healdsburg. The OLF members are more likely to show photos of completed instruments; the Luthierforum has more beginners, or a higher ratio of beginners, and the members are more likely to create threads that document the entire build process rather than just completed photos.
There are, of course, a number of folks that are members of both forums, and likely other forums as well.
Recent posts here in a number of threads have made me think of "divide and conquer" strategies, to keep this place a friendly haunt for beginners and intermediates, and provide a meeting place for the seasoned pros as well.
I started a thread on the Luthierforum called "patience and tolerance", because I was irritated that some of the curmudgeonly seasoned pros were being shouted down and made to feel unwelcome. I didn't want to lose their wealth of information. I guess I have been around enough terse, gruff, curmudgeonly types in my life that I can handle the messenger because I want the message. I have learned to tolerate quite a bit. Of course, like any human, I have a threshold of tolerable behavior that I can handle. I choose not to listen to the message when the messenger jumps from acerbic to caustic, from pointed to demeaning, from gruff to deliberately rude. Though I can ignore a lot of boorish behavior and just walk away, I'm more likely to jump into a fray if I feel a mate is being attacked.
There are as many teaching styles as there are teachers. I personally would not want to endure an intense, maniacal, screaming drill instructor. And, if some luthier instructor smashed my violin in progress because they thought it was a good way to teach, they would soon have a lifetime supply of red pigment at their disposal. Some other students or soldiers might have a much higher threshold than me, or believe that they must endure anything and everything to reach their goal.
Lance posted, in the OLF Code of Conduct, a paragraph that starts: "Be neighborly." Lance and Brock will need to determine when someone has broken the spirit of that rule, and deal with the poster to curb the behavior. But, what about those members that have purposely developed a terse, gruff, or curmudgeonly style based on their belief that it is the correct way to teach or that their many years of experience should afford them special consideration?
Maybe the OLF has grown to a point where it is time to divide and conquer. Maybe beginners should be encouraged to haunt other forums, such as the Luthierforum, that have a higher ratio of beginners. They could learn some of the basics of lutherie, then come back here when they have the skill level and experience to participate in a pro-level discussion. Maybe the OLF needs to create a sub-forum, as has been done with "CNC and Lutherie" and the "Guild of Michigan Luthiers", and the new sub-forum would be for pros only. Or at least only pros could post there. That would give folks like Rick Turner a place to hang out where they would not have to be bothered by beginner or even intermediate questions. Or, maybe the new sub-forum could be for beginners, leaving the "Main Discussion" area for intermediate and pro topics? Let's face it, Rick Turner has no peers here. His experience is deeper and wider than any other pro, so how about setting Rick up with an area called "Ask Rick Turner", and he could provide his perspective to those who ask specific questions of him, in a question and answer format. That would allow the OLF to retain Rick's wealth of knowledge, and allow those who cannot handle lutherie bootcamp to visit other areas of the OLF instead. (This same thing was done with Wm Cumpiano at the Luthierforum.) What do you think Lance, Brock, Rick?
And what do the other members here think about some sort of a divide and conquer strategy?
Dennis Leahy
_________________ Dennis Leahy Duluth, MN, USA 7th Sense Multimedia