I've had to do some homework. The braces are laminated the way they are because this is one of the ways that the Larson Brothers built the originals -- they experimented quite a bit. I had the privilege of playing a old Prairie State guitar by the Larson Brothers a couple of years ago at Elderly Instruments. I'm a pretty marginal player with an even more marginal wallet, but that guitar really impressed me with it's tone. (And a hearty, hearty thanks to Elderly for letting me even touch it!
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). I hesitate to try to describe something as subjective as tone in English as I fall back to thinking about how wine tastings were described in Sonoma County in the 80's -- 'an aftertaste of raspberry and tobacco with a hint of gravel and road tar at the finish

). Anyway the guitar really spoke to me and I have a probably warped memory of the sound locked into my mind. It is what I want to aim my small bodies at when I'm capable of aiming them at anything!