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 Post subject: Fitting the bridge plate
PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:17 am 
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Just curious, seems like every bracing pic I see has the bridge plate glued first and the rest of the braces fit to it. Is there a benefit or reason I'm not seeing?

For that matter, I have seen some that the X is the very last thing fitted and glued, having to fit it to the tone bars and finger braces, too. Guess it just don't make sense to me, but maybe I'm missing something? On the two that I've done, I glued the X first, fitted the bridge plate to it, then fit the other braces around it.

Simple question, I know. Just curious.

Wes McMillian
Santo, TX

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:31 am 
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
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Wes buddy this is another one of those lots of ways to abuse a cat questions.

I glue my X and rough shape it. Next comes the tone bars and finger braces and I shape these. Then I fit and glue the bridge plate.

lastly I glue the upper transverse brace and paint stir stick since I make mine with no radius and glue them using a flat board for backing. All the other braces and bridge plate were glued on in a dish.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:42 am 

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I've always put the plate in last. Just make sure there is no squeeze out from the x braces preventing the plate from making good contact.

David White, Toronto

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:58 am 
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If you inlet the bridge plate under the x braces it must be glued in first. I don't, and I glue it in last. Inletting the bridge plate makes it more difficult to remove should that become necessary, not to mention fitting a new one.

Rian Gitar og Mandolin

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:52 am 
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I'm in the camp of gluing the plate last also. Probably doesn't make a lot of difference as long as everything is layed out correctly so that the bridge lines up well when it is installed.

Jim Howell
Charlotte, NC

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:57 am 
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OK, I feel better. Obviously I just noticed the ones that did it the other way and the ones that seemed "normal" to me didn't stand out to take notice.

Thanks, guys!


Wes McMillian
Santo, TX

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:24 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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I've done it both ways. Started out gluing it first but now I do it after the X is glued up. I usually go-bar it in place exactly where I want it without glue and get the X lined up. Mark the X and remove the bridge plate and glue the X.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:10 am 
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I would guess it depends on the clamping system. Those using vacuum most likely have positioning jigs so it doesn't really matter what goes on first or last, as long as everything is tight. Gluing the bridge plate last allows to pre-carve the x-braces and tonebars without butchering the bridge plate, as Hesh points out.

Laurent Brondel
West Paris, Maine - USA

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