I have a question regarding finishes. I have done a fair amount of finish work on furniture and other wooden devices (my father repaired/refinished furniture as a hobby and later as a home business and I was often enlisted to help). I have always liked the look of a Tung Oil finish. I havent seen much in print or online regarding this for guitars. The nearest I can get is the use of Tru-oil, which is pretty close. I have done several gun stocks and like the way it turns out. Has anyone here used Tung Oil before? If so how does it turn out? I am a hobby builder and have no designs on making a living at it (I like my 9-5 job too much!) so time isnt of a great concern in turning out a finish. Perhaps there is an acoustical reason that it is not chosen? I know among furniture folks the type of finish invokes many emotional responses and I expect no less here.
