So I was doing a test run on a fret board yesterday. After radiusing the fretboard test piece. I started the fret slotting and at the 19th fret my Z axis died. I blew a fuse? Now the problem of determining the culprit? (dang broke an endmill) So after replacing the fuse, checking all connections, moving the stepper motor to another axis and moving it back, I have run the same Gcode 6 times consecutively and no mishaps. What appears to have happened (I think) is a thermal overload of the stepdriver? I noticed after it happened that the stepdriver was much warmer than the other axis ( yes I have heat sinks and high airflow). I have ordered a few replacements just in case. Now, my question, how many trials before you would start on the real part?
I know my tolerance of testing, I just want to see what ya'll think?
This is the first problem I have had in over a year?