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PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:01 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:11 am
Posts: 115
Location: Canada
First name: Rick
Last Name: Hubka
City: Chemainus
State: BC
Zip/Postal Code: V0R 1K1
Country: Canada
Focus: Build
Status: Amateur
Hi People.

Thought I should share this project because it's somewhat different!

About 14 months ago we had a first and new Craft Brewery Opening in our small town of Chemainus BC Canada.
I met the owners while it was under construction and they asked if I could make a wavy edged 10 foot high Lightening Bolt sign and they would pay money and free beer for quite some time [:Y:]

Here's the finished and installed sign and me:

So after 14 months my free supply of beer was drying up. gaah
I had been thinking for a year that the lightening bolt shape electric guitar might make a cool project for them some day. Then I saw an on-line ad selling a damaged old Epiphone start copy. The body was cracked badly so I got it for 20. Perfect! Ok... Lets start a new lightening bolt body. I had some nice dry 2" maple.

I used my CNC machine to make it perfectly flat and take the thickness down to 1.70
I fellow from the Vectric forum had given me the cnc Aspire file for a Fender strat so I modified it and cut the pockets.
I decided to use a large Pool cavity for the pickups to reduce weight because this guitar is going to be somewhat over sized and heavy.

Next I outside profile CNC cut the reduced 10 Foot lightening bolt file as the final wavy body outline.
Then used a angle grinder with flapped sanding disk to carve out the back body recess cavity.

As you know, on the top of the fender one part is tapered from from 1.7 down to 1.1 or so for comfortable arm movement. I did this to all 4 points on the top side for looks and to remove weight. I have a 6" inch Jointer. I removed everything from the top of the machine and using shims to angle the body, I eyeball planned all 4 top body points. Worked great!
Then sand... sand... sand... To get into all those wavy body side dimples smooth I used 3M Flexible sandpaper. Basically rubber sandpaper. Then screwed on the painting handle.

Here's the body after the first of what I expect to be 4 coats of (2 part) black epoxy paint.

Oh and I made a Water slide Decal on my printer with the Brewery's wavy font for the head stock. I looks great on the Epiphone bat wing style strat head stock.

My next post on this project in about a week will show my final few steps and the completed guitar. I have the white pick guard material and will cnc cut it once I decide on a design. Before I install the pickup, controls and neck I need to sand/paint, sand/paint, sand/paint.

I hate sanding :(

Hope you enjoyed.

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Rick Hubka
Chemainus BC Canada

These users thanked the author Rick Hubka for the post: John Lewis (Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:09 pm)
PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:39 pm 
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I hate sanding

That's why God invented apprentices.

"Act your age, not your shoe size" - Prince

PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:05 pm 
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Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:50 pm
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I like the guitar but you already had me at free beer! Cool!

John Lewis
Wannabe builder owned by 2 crazy dachshunds

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