I'm on my first acoustic build, and would like to add a pickguard into the mix. I would prefer to make it, and am planning to use wood.
Flame Maple, which is what I have on hand.
What i am wanting to know is, how thick? I know woods expand and contract at different rates, so i don't want to crack the pickguard or heaven forbid the top down the road.
I won't be gluing, if that matters. I'll be using the double stick adhesive LMI sells specifically to attach pickguards with.
The maple will darken after finish is applied (nitro), but I am also thinking of using a dark Walnut stain first. Not certain, though i lean towards the natural color of the wood.
The pickguard right now is between .80 and .84, depending where you measure it. Is this thin enough to not inhibit the top?